Como ya parecía que caíamos en la monotonía de publicar entradas sobre una canción en particular, y para mostrar un poco el camino que va a seguir el blog, estrenamos el apartado de albums con un grupo practicamente desconocido que surgió hace unos años.
De la mano de los productores de grupos como Breaking Benjamin (pronto publicaré una entrada sobre ellos), o de otros como Nickelback o The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, el grupo Course of Nature se estrenó en 2002 con el disco Superkala, que contendría títulos impresionantes como las magníficas baladas Caught in the Sun, o la excelente 1000 Times.
Como un album son sus canciones, sería una insensatez no hacer un repaso de cada una de ellas y detenernos en las más significativas.
"Caught in the Sun" - Course of Nature
You're my distanced destination of choice
I'd give anything just to hear your voice
I couldn't pass you on the street
Without saying a word
Most times I missed the voice
That goes unheard
What if I missed you
You got caught in the sun
What if I did something
Never to be enough
People everywhere how could I be sure
Is it you that I have been looking for
What would it take for me to be comfortable
With you, with me you're the chosen one
What if I missed you
You got caught in the sun
What if I did something
Never to be enough
You are there for me this I hope and pray
You will wait for me, I wont be to late
What if I missed you
You got caught in the sun
What if I did something
Never to be enough
Will you wait for me
Or will I be to late this time
You are there for me this I hope and pray
You're my distanced destination of choice
I'd give anything just to hear your voice
I couldn't pass you on the street
Without saying a word
Most times I missed the voice
That goes unheard
What if I missed you
You got caught in the sun
What if I did something
Never to be enough
People everywhere how could I be sure
Is it you that I have been looking for
What would it take for me to be comfortable
With you, with me you're the chosen one
What if I missed you
You got caught in the sun
What if I did something
Never to be enough
You are there for me this I hope and pray
You will wait for me, I wont be to late
What if I missed you
You got caught in the sun
What if I did something
Never to be enough
Will you wait for me
Or will I be to late this time
You are there for me this I hope and pray
Bueno, ya tocaba algo lentito para variar un poco, ¿no?
Este fue el primer single del disco. La canción fue un auténtico éxito para la poca promoción que llevó consigo. Alcanzó el #9 en las listas del US Mainstream Rock y el #22 en el US Modern Rock.
Estamos ante una excelente balada que combina unos riffs de guitarra sensacionales con sonidos orquestales que completan el magnífico estribillo, dotándole de emotividad extra y haciendo que llegue "más hondo" aún. Mención aparte la voz del cantante Mark Wilkerson, que consigue transmitir emociones tremendamente bien.
No hay mucho que comentar acerca de la letra de este tema, no se aleja mucho de las típicas que suelen escribirse para este tipo de canciones, pero esto no hace que la misma este exenta de calidad y que "suene nuevo", parece que la banda ha encontrado su propio estilo musical característico en su primer disco.
"1000 Times" - Course of Nature
I wasn't sure of when but I
Knew there'd come a time when I
Would feel this way about someone
And always need them by my side
You could make me want to leave the one I'm with
And never wonder why
If I was ever given something else
I'd give it back 1000 times
There is just something hard for me to grasp
How it was I could survive
If I would have to live my life without
a 1000 times...
I've felt so strong for you ever since
The day you caught my eyes and I
Can't help but wonder if my life
Is turning upside down this time
I wasn't sure of when but I
Knew there'd come a time when I
Would feel this way about someone
And always need them by my side
You could make me want to leave the one I'm with
And never wonder why
If I was ever given something else
I'd give it back 1000 times
There is just something hard for me to grasp
How it was I could survive
If I would have to live my life without
a 1000 times...
You could make me want to leave the one I'm with
And never wonder why
If I was ever given something else
I'd give it back 1000 times
There is just something hard for me to grasp
How it was I could survive
If I would have to live my life without
a 1000 times...
I wasn't sure of when but I
Knew there'd come a time when I
Would feel this way about someone
And always need them by my side
You could make me want to leave the one I'm with
And never wonder why
If I was ever given something else
I'd give it back 1000 times
There is just something hard for me to grasp
How it was I could survive
If I would have to live my life without
a 1000 times...
I've felt so strong for you ever since
The day you caught my eyes and I
Can't help but wonder if my life
Is turning upside down this time
I wasn't sure of when but I
Knew there'd come a time when I
Would feel this way about someone
And always need them by my side
You could make me want to leave the one I'm with
And never wonder why
If I was ever given something else
I'd give it back 1000 times
There is just something hard for me to grasp
How it was I could survive
If I would have to live my life without
a 1000 times...
You could make me want to leave the one I'm with
And never wonder why
If I was ever given something else
I'd give it back 1000 times
There is just something hard for me to grasp
How it was I could survive
If I would have to live my life without
a 1000 times...
He aquí lo que para mi es el plato fuerte del disco. Un tema que curiosamente pasó desapercibido, ensombrecido por los singles Caught in the Sun y Wall of Shame, pero que en mi opinión los deja en bragas en todos los aspectos.
La canción comienza lenta, muy lenta, sin duda estamos ante otra balada, pero es una balada distinta a las que estamos acostumbrados, ya que en su punto álgido el tema da un giró brusco hacia un tono mas duro que nos descoloca y nos hace dudar de si estamos escuchando la misma canción o si nuestro dedo ha resbalado insensatamente a la ruedecita de nuestro mp3 último modelo. Pero esta duda será efímera al regresar al tono suave inicial después del despertar de la canción, para luego volver a caer en el mismo tono duro e iniciar de nuevo el suave tono una vez más.
Por otra parte, la letra sin duda transmite lo que se propone, emoción y rabia a partes iguales, haciendo que nos pongan los pelos de punta con una facilidad increible (a mi por lo menos xD).
Una verdadera pena que no se escogiera esta canción como single, porque estamos ante una auténtica obra maestra.
Además de estos dos temas destacados, el disco incluye otros con un tinte mas "cañero", como el excelente segundo single Wall of Shame del que solo pondré letra y video:
"Wall of Shame" - Course of Nature
Something has happened to your world
Can you imagine, you could
There's too much pressure on you now
Why you would ever throw away
whats been given to you
Woke up and nothing's even there
Now your falling just to fall away
It is hard
Sit inside your wall of shame
Believing whats forgotten
Makin' time to find a world
Sit inside your wall of shame
Where nothing even matters
Can you say that I'm to blame?
When trouble lingers on your mind
You wait but dig in deeper
Theres no more room for honesty
Breathe in the vapors of your lies
Just when you're choking on them
These thoughts are spinning 'round your head
Now your falling just to fall away
It is hard
Sit inside your wall of shame
Believing whats forgotten
Makin' time to find a world
Sit inside your wall of shame
Where nothing even matters
Can you say that I'm to blame?
Now your falling just to fall away
It is hard
Sit inside your wall of shame
Believing whats forgotten
Makin' time to find a world
Sit inside your wall of shame
Where nothing even matters
Can you say that I'm to blame?
Something has happened to your world
Can you imagine, you could
There's too much pressure on you now
Why you would ever throw away
whats been given to you
Woke up and nothing's even there
Now your falling just to fall away
It is hard
Sit inside your wall of shame
Believing whats forgotten
Makin' time to find a world
Sit inside your wall of shame
Where nothing even matters
Can you say that I'm to blame?
When trouble lingers on your mind
You wait but dig in deeper
Theres no more room for honesty
Breathe in the vapors of your lies
Just when you're choking on them
These thoughts are spinning 'round your head
Now your falling just to fall away
It is hard
Sit inside your wall of shame
Believing whats forgotten
Makin' time to find a world
Sit inside your wall of shame
Where nothing even matters
Can you say that I'm to blame?
Now your falling just to fall away
It is hard
Sit inside your wall of shame
Believing whats forgotten
Makin' time to find a world
Sit inside your wall of shame
Where nothing even matters
Can you say that I'm to blame?
La lista completa del disco:
1 - Wall of Shame
2 - Caught in the Sun
3 - Difference of Opinion
4 - Someone Else To You
5 - Remain
6 - Gain
7 - 1000 Times
8 - Could I've Been
9 - Better Part of Me
10 - After The Fall
Fue una grata sorpresa este grupo, que descubrí hace poco y que con temas como este u otros que pasaron mas desapercibidos, ha conseguido que forme parte de los fijos en mis listas de reproducción habituales.
Valoración del Album:
Los Más:
-Los excelentes riffs de guitarra
-La inclusión de sonidos orquestales
-La voz del cantante, impresionante.
Los Menos:
-La duración del disco, se queda algo corto.
-Quizás demasiados temas lentos, se echan en falta mas temas como Wall of Shame.
Nota final: 8.5 / 10 - Muy Bueno
Comentario general: Un buen comienzo para el grupo, pocos consiguen en su primer disco lo que Course of Nature ha logrado, temas con una calidad indudable, y sobre todo, demostrar su talento tanto en canciones lentas como en más cañeras, lastima las pocas canciones que incluye (10 se quedan algo escasas).
Por cierto, atentos al nuevo trabajo que tienen entre manos, que será publicado a finales de este año.
2 comentarios:
He descubierto este blog hace poco y le estoy revisando de cabo a rabo.
Ya he descubierto varios grupos interesantes que no conocia, y ver que hablas de una de mis canciones favoritas que apenas nadie conoce como es "Wall os shame" me ha dejado a cuadros!!
Enhorabuena por el blog!
Muchas gracias!
Ese era justamente el objetivo del blog, y me alegro mucho de que estemos cumpliendo nuestro propósito, dar a conocer grupos que os puedan gustar.
Comentarios como este nos animan a seguir dando el callo :D
Un saludo!!
El admin,
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